
December 2022

Price list of Samwon welding cable 07/2024

Update the latest welding cable price list 07/2024
Quang Pham would like to send you the latest update of the latest updated price of welding cables 07/2024 . Due to fluctuations in world copper prices, for the most accurate welding cable price 2024 please contact sales department.
Please understand for this inconvenience, Quan Pham sincerely thanks.
Hotline: 0903790631 - 0903790984 - 0903790986< /code> Mail: Updated price of welding cable in June 07/2024

Wire Price List SAMWON welding cable 2024

 Welding Cable 16  39,000  44,500  200m/roll
 Welding Cable 25  60,000  63,000  200m/ roll
 Welding Cable 35  90,000  92,000  200m/ roll
 50 solder cable  130,500  133,500  200m/ roll
 70 solder cable  180,500  185,000  100m/ roll
 95 solder cable  241,000  250,000  rulo 1000m
 Welding Cable 120  309,000  319,000  rulo 1000m
 Welding Cable 150  395,000  405,000  contact
 Welding Cable 185 contact contact  contact
 Welding Cable 200 contact contact  contact
 250 solder cable contact contact  contact

Update the latest and most accurate welding cable prices 2024


Price list of signal cable LS VINA 07/2024

Introduction of signal cables LS VINA

Update LS VINA signal cable price list 07/2024
LS VINA control cable price list
LS VINA signal cable price list
Signal cable LS-Vina  used for power supply to the inside of buildings and in addition it is used for industrial control circuits

Signal cable LS-Vina is manufactured according to the following standards: 

All national and international standards of IEC, AS/ZNS, BS, ICEA, TCVN or some others. – IEC 62067 (ABOVE 150KV) Product reference welding signal cable Quoc (more…)

July 2022