Detailed instructions for the REGO Ducati compensator controller
Reference: Detailed instructions for Mikro PFR60 . capacitor controller
Table of Contents
REGO Ducati compensator controller

Specifications of REGO capacitor controller
– Size / size : 144x144mm ; hole 139x139mm
– Number of levels: 5
– Feeding voltage: 220V
– Display 3 LED 7 segments
– Monitorable: System voltage, reactive power, cosφ
Manufacturer: Ducati Energia
Origin: Italy
Advice on installing capacitor banks:
User manual for the REGO Ducati compensator controller
A/ INSTALLATION. (200kVar cabinet)
Measure and cut the power cable (CXV 1Cx120mm2) to connect the power supply drive
main for the compensating cabinet system, connect the current transformer to supply the signal to the controller (PDK) automatically
dynamic, this current transformer takes the total current signal of the conventional station to take the total current signal
of the red phase from (ELCB 3P 350A) the sum of the compensating cabinet projecting to MCCB 3P 800A the sum of
Deploy the connection of the signal cable to power the control circuit, (the cabinet has 3 signal wires)
control: signal from TI to supply line signal to BDK with a cross section of 2.5 mm2, (3 colored wires
green is denoted N, K, L). Wires K, L are TI polarity wires, N wires are neutral wires.
After connecting the power and control, proceed to check the connection points at the positions
pole, busbar, of (ELCB 3P 350A), and MCCB 3P 75A, Contactor 3P 50A, capacitor 30kVar.
Make sure these positions are tightened to avoid contact discharge
not good between MCCB poles, Contactor, Capacitor.
Energize the power supply for MCCBs of the compensating cabinet (ELCB 3P
350A), total and MCCB 3P 75A distributed to capacitor levels, 3P contactor levels 50A
Close the fuse to control the power supply to the controller, the meter indicator light.
When turning on the power for the first time, the screen will display IL (…), now we press ▲ to adjust
TI value by calculation. IL value = TI/5. Our current variable is 1000 => IL = 1000/5 = 200. After
When the adjustment is complete, we press Data, the screen will show the word FAS and then C1. This time the set
controller will automatically close check the level 03 times. After checking the levels, the screen will
C1 is displayed, then 00 is displayed, now we hold down the Data key until the screen appears
1.1.1. At this point we begin to adjust. Press ▲ and ▼ at the same time, the screen will show the
next step.
1./ Fr adjust the frequency to 50Hz, press Data
2./ Cos coefficient 0.95, press Data
3./ UFF applies 400volt controller feed wire, press Data
4./ CNU capacitor voltage 415volt, press Data
5./ IL adjust the coefficient as above, press Data
While in this step, we press 2 keys Alarm reset + Data at the same time, the screen will
a./ Fan, set by default 25, press Data
b./ T1, set the time to close the capacitor level 20s, press Data
c./ T2, set time to close the next level of capacitor 15s, press Data
Hu, take the default value of 1, press Data
Sth, take the default value of 1, press Data
Adr, take the default value of 1, press Data
Bdr, take the default value of 960, press Data
Con, Adjust the connection for the controller, connect according to the FF1 diagram, press Data
Sup, default, press Data
U1=230volt, U2=400Volt, (voltage limit fluctuation) select U2, press Data
Fas, select On (automatically switch TI polarity), press Data.
Acq: No, press ▲ the key until the display shows Pr, now we press the Data screen again
The picture will show the word Pro, now we calibrate the capacitor levels, choose a difference of 5 for the 6 . capacitor level
closing step, (with Ducati manual), the primary coefficient is 1.1.1, after the adjustment is complete ta
Click Data.
Pfc, is the value of the first capacitor level, we choose 30kVar
After adjusting, we press Data for about 5s, when the screen shows the letter P-, now the controller
The controller has saved the setting value, and the controller automatically restarts the screen to complete
Installation process.
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