How to choose a quality conductor for your device
How to choose quality conductor
Today, Quan Pham would like to nominate two companies specializing in welding cable which has been around for many years. manufactures in the field of electrical wires SAMWON welding cable and DUSONC welding cable imported Imported directly from Korea with full CO CQ certificate and on the wire with the words
IEC 60227 standard (KIV) XXmm2 DUSONC Electric Cable -Made in Korea
“Note: XX is the wire parameter for example 16 to 95”
Currently, on the market, there are many conductors with names similar to or similar to the names of major brands because the price is very soft compared to other wires, so consumers are cheap, but the quality of those conductors is not good. Once you know their quality in normal conditions, there is nothing to say when used in harsh conditions, then it will reveal the defects of the product, then regret it, perhaps also regret buying another wire. Substitute in silence
So be a smart consumer, don’t listen to good ads, but put too much faith in cords that don’t have CO_CQ certification.
– C/O (certificate of origin): is a certificate of origin goods, issued by the competent authority of the exporting country for manufactured exports. in that country. C/O must comply with the regulations of the exporting country and the importing country, so there are many types of CO (tax exemption, preferential tariff, quota,…). Therefore the purpose of C/O is to prove that the goods have clear origin, lawful in terms of tariffs and other provisions of the import-export laws of the two importing and exporting countries (in short, it is not) contraband or floating goods with no obvious manufacturer)
– C/Q (certificate of quality): is a certificate that the quality of goods conforms to the standards of the manufacturing country or international standards.Purpose em> of CQ is to prove that the goods meet the quality standards announced together with the goods.

There will be products on the market for these two products is SaXXXX or DuXXXXX the name when pronounced will be the same, but when written down, it is completely different, causing confusion for buyers. Quan Pham does not intend to advertise or promote products, but only wants consumers to be able to use quality products according to standards.
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