Shihlin Capacitor | Catalog of condensers Shihlin
Introduction of Shihlin Capacitor

Shihlin Capacitor is a famous brand of Taiwan Shihlin Electric used for all power grid systems, factories, factories, buildings, apartments, office buildings. , substations…
- Introduction Compensating capacitors and
In addition to Shihlin compensator, Quan Pham also exclusively distributes RTR capacitors made in Spain according to European standards with world leading technology, high explosion resistance, is the compensating capacitor provided to the Company. Southern high-voltage grid in the June 2016 bidding round.
Product reference Spanish RTR capacitor: https://quanpham .vn/danh-muc-san-pham/tu-bu/
Why install a capacitor bank: -fai-lap-dat-tu-tu-bu/Video introducing the production process of compensating capacitors:
Shihlin Capacitor Catalog
Catalog Compensators shihlin - Capacitor SH-R440510T 10Kvar, 13.1A, voltage 440VAC, 50Hz – (W x H): 86 x 245mm
- Capacitor SH-R440515T 15Kvar, 19.7A, voltage 440VAC, 50Hz – (W x H): 116 x 245mm
- Capacitor SH-R440520T 20Kvar, 26.2A, voltage 440VAC, 50Hz – (W x H): 116 x 245mm
- Capacitor SH-R440525T 25Kvar, 32.8A, voltage 440VAC, 50Hz – (W x H): 116 x 245mm
- Capacitor SH-R440530T 30Kvar, 39.4A, voltage 440VAC, 50Hz – (W x H): 116 x 245mm
- Capacitor SH-R440540T 40Kvar, 42.5A, voltage 440VAC, 50Hz – (W x H): 136 x 290mm
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