Classification of ATS cabinets
Quan Pham specializes in the construction and installation of electrical panels for factories and buildings. Consulting on design of capacitor bank, ATS cabinet,…

Stool ATS cabinet type:
ATS uses contactor (small and medium current)
ATS uses MCCB (medium and large current)
ATS uses ACB (large current)
Classification of ats cabinets by controller:
ATS uses available controllers of OSUNG, SOCOMEC, SCHNEIDER, …
ATS uses a homemade Logo set (using time roles and intermediate roles).
The ats cabinet automatic power converter (Automatic Transfer Switch) is commonly used for the following applications:
– Switching of main source (grid…) – Backup power (generator…)
– 1 set of ATS usually includes the following 3 main parts:
– Motivation section (Contactor, MCCB, ACB)
– Controller: using a dedicated controller integrated with ats cabinets (Osung, Socomec….), using logic relays (Logo, Zelio….), using small PLCs (for complex applications).
– Other parts: such as electromechanical interlock, protection monitoring, remote communication…
Advantages and disadvantages of ATS cabinets:
+ For applications that convert 1 main source (mains power) – backup diesel generators often use integrated ats cabinets (integrated 2 contactors in the same body and have electromechanical interlocks), suppliers Levels usually include a dedicated ATS controller. These products are popular in the Vietnamese market and are from manufacturers (Osung, Pesco/Korea, Socomec/France, Italy….)
* Advantages, simple structure, easy to use, built-in functions (start generator ….) low cost
* Disadvantages: not applicable in complicated cases such as having 2 power sources and 1 backup source…. Typically used for applications with a maximum current up to about 1600-3200A. The tolerable short-circuit breaking current is usually not high.
+ For large and complex applications with 2 or more mains sources + Backup power, the optimal solution is to use MCCB & ACB has switch motor + ats cabinet controller of brands. Popular in Vietnam market are products of manufacturers (ABB, Merlin Gerin, Siemens…), MCCBs & ACBs are electrically interlocked to perform automatic switching function.
* Advantages: Highly customizable, can choose many operating modes, high specifications…. easy to replace in case of failure and maintenance (for withdrawble type). Easy connection to higher level management systems
* Cons: High cost, space consuming…. suitable for demanding applications.
– Depending on the application & technical requirements that choose the appropriate type.
If you need advice, please send a single line diagram here and we will advise you for free. Your circuit bpdviet is an ATS that uses 2 MCCBs with 2 motorized sets to switch MCCB. This circuit works fine in general. You can also use Zen to program. However, how to program the Zen is very important because you have to have a lot of timing parameters for the circuit to work properly. About the ats cabinet, we also have a lot of posts, including how to program the Siemens LOGO. For Omron’s Zen, the programming method is different, but if you follow the analysis we mentioned, you can program this ATS circuit quite easily! ATS is usually used for 2 sources: 1 grid and 1 generator. If you need multiple sources there are other designs. Eg:
– 3 sources: 1 grid + 2 generators or 2 grids + 1 generator
– 4 sources: 2 grids + 2 generators.
Our company looks forward to consulting, supporting, and checking to help the units.
In addition, with a team of engineers in the department of automation and control, the company also consults, construction of electrical systems, installation control cabinet according to the requirements of the units. Installation and design of alarms – phase loss treatment, automatic sets.
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