Capacitor cabinets reduce power loss
Table of Contents
Function of capacitor bank
The main function of the capacitor bank is to improve the power factor (cos phi coefficient) in order to reduce the unworked power (also known as reactive power). <3
Introduction of capacitor bank
Cos phi capacitors aka reactive power compensation cabinets usually install capacitors in parallel with the load, controlled by a controller Capacitor control automatically 4 or 14 levels, through the switch device (Contactor).
Compensating capacitor usually uses 02 common types of capacitors: compensation capacitor oil and dry compensating capacitors, with many division capacities to suit the needs of use from 5Kvar – 50Kvar.
See: How to calculate the required capacitor capacity according to the electricity bill

Location of cos phi compensator
Extraordinary cos compensation cabinets are used in the electrical system environment of factories, factories, commercial centers, hospitals, apartments, transformer stations, pre-installed with highly inductive loads, often using contactor to adjust the number of active compensating capacitors, operating to match the current cos phi. Can be operated manually or automatically (via the condenser controller).

Operating principle of capacitor bank
When operating the compensating cabinet in automatic mode, the compensating cabinet controller will automatically calculate the amount of power needed to give reasonable contactor switching instructions to ensure the unstable cos coefficient according to the regulations. electricity industry. Each level of the controller will be assigned with a contactor to perform switching tasks.
If the phase difference of the current and voltage is less than the set value (normal setting factor is 0.95), the controller will automatically switch off the compensating capacitor until it reaches the nearest value compared to the coefficient. setting, and keep it at that value. The condenser controller is programmed to optimize the switching process to suit the specific needs of the system. In order to ensure smooth and efficient operation, stability and longevity, electrical engineers often use harmonic filter reactors to make capacitors work at their best. The harmonic filter reactors have types such as 6%, 7%, 14% depending on the power network.
Illustration: Harmonic filter reactor[ /caption]
Quan Pham specializes in installing capacitor cabinets full capacity.
Installation packages REMOVED
Give we chance to be listen request of you.
PREMIUMMost Popular160,000 VND/KVar
- Compensator Shizuki – Japan
- Start from
- MCCB Hyundai/LS – Korea
- Control Board Taiwan
- Busbar system
- 3 cup cabinet
- Busbar Insulation
- Headlights
- Voltmeter
- Ammeter
V.I.PMost PopularCALL
- Capacitor – on request
- Start from – on demand
- MCCB – on request
- Control Kit – on request
- Busbar system
- 3 cup cabinet
- Busbar Insulation
- Headlights
- Voltmeter
- Ammeter
Call 0913 717 067 to get: check, measure, consult installation consultation equipment to improve the power factor of the unworked to ensure compliance with the electricity industry regulations.
After surveying through many units, consulting phones, assisting in answering questions, Quan Pham found that most of the units have not used capacitor banks and if they do, it is only to increase the cos phi factor. so as not to be fined but not really take full advantage of the benefits of the capacitor bank yields.
See: How to calculate the required capacitor capacity according to the electricity bill
Compensator capacitors: Structure, classification and how to calculate capacitor capacity
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